Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Wonderful Life of a Blogger

I learned that blogging can be therapeutic and it brought back fun memories of my mother and I cooking together. Doing blogging has reminded me of dishes that I thought I’d forgotten how to cook.  Once I started writing about my favorite dishes, the details of how to prepare them started coming back. These were the shared memories of mother and daughter that I will always treasure even more now that I know longer have my mother alive to talk about them with.  Blogging can be time consuming, exhausting but really fun to do.  I want to someday use this blog as a way to create a new enterprise for myself.  Getting a chance to see how this medium allows you to meet so many different people, has given me a new way of thinking and a chance to creatively and successfully challenge myself to try something new and enjoyable.


  1. I completely agree that blogging can be time consuming and exhausting. My blog is centered around baking and I have found that I have been baking A LOT more than I normally would be. I love it but it can get costly and I've been packing on some pounds :(

  2. Juanita,
    I love blogging as well, and this is my second class that I am taking that requires blogging and it is so much fun. Why not share something nice with the world?
    Thank you for your nice blog

